The corridor of the death - Mortain-Falaise-Argentan 1944
19,50 €
This collection constitutes an essential volume about the end of the Battle of Normandy. The Germans left 40,000 prisoners behind but they took 50,000 from Mortain au Mont-Ormel. An apocalyptic vision of the end of the Battle of Normandy and a voyage to the heart of Falaise-Argentan.
Paiement sécurisé
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Ouvert 5j/7 de 9h30 à 17h30
02 31 06 06 53
This collection constitutes an essential volume about the end of the Battle of Normandy. The Germans left 40,000 prisoners behind but they took 50,000 from Mortain au Mont-Ormel. An apocalyptic vision of the end of the Battle of Normandy and a voyage to the heart of Falaise-Argentan.